Creating Fertile Ground for Digital Transformation: A Workshop for HBCU Leaders

To promote inclusive and equitable access to higher​ education, OLC and Cengage have developed a​ transformative professional development and ​mentorship opportunity for higher education leaders​ spanning directors, deans and​ department chairs, and C-suite executives.​ This workshop is being offered for free for leaders at HBCUs (historically Black colleges and universities) across the United States.

​Designed for pairs of leaders from the same​ institution, this workshop will support long term​ digital strategy and continuous improvement​ in teaching and learning and institutional ​ management and infrastructure, introducing new​ ongoing practices to support student success across​ all modalities. ​

​Join us online Friday, June 25 from 1 – 4PM ET for:​

  • ​Provocations from thought leaders in the field​
  • Cohort-based reflective activities on pressing issues and opportunities​
  • Networking and collaboration with your colleagues and leaders from other institutions

Registration Form

Speaker Bio

Dr. Cristi Ford
Dr. Cristi Ford
Lead Facilitator

Dr. Ford offers more than 20 years of cumulative experience in higher education. She has served in many senior leadership capacities within the historically Black institution community for most of her career. These experiences have also included serving as an accreditation liaison with a variety of HBCUs. At Hampton University, Dr. Ford served as the Director of Distance Education at Hampton University where she oversaw the administration of 22 online programs and certificates. At the University of the District of Columbia, she served as the Director of the Research Academy for Integrated Learning, which included her role as the Co-PI on a 3-year $750,000 grant awarded to create Pathways to a STEM Baccalaureate. Dr. Ford also served as the Chief Academic Officer of the Akilah Institute – Davis Education, a women’s college in Rwanda. She earned her Ph.D. in Educational Leadership from the University of Missouri-Columbia, and undergraduate and graduate degrees in the field of Psychology from Hampton University and University of Baltimore, respectively.