Pocket Data Analytics: Practical Uses of Course Analytics to Improve Student Performance

The concept of using academic analytics to understand trends in a student population is not a new idea. However, much of the analysis of these massive numbers live in the “Massive or Big Data” analysis of information for whole programs. There is little evidence that instructors are using smaller samplings weekly, or even daily analytics, to improve performance and engagement. For the purposes of this paper, let’s call this data: Pocket Data Analytics. This session will provide an introduction to the practical application of analytics in which instructors can use to proactively improve student engagement and performance. These changes would occur during an on-going semester. It is a practical use of analytics for the everyday instructor, not the data scientist.

Speaker Bio

John Vivolo, New York University School of Engineering
John is the Director of Online and Virtual Learning for NYU-Poly, Polytechnic School of Engineering at New York University. John partners with faculty to devise a set of pedagogical and technical practices often known as “Best Practices for Online Learning.” Working to create a rich and interactive learning experience, John also researches new methods and technologies to incorporate into online learning. In addition, John monitors and coordinates efforts to scale-up online learning at NYU-Poly.

For over ten years, John taught both fully online and blended learning courses. In addition, John has hosted numerous faculty seminars and workshops in online learning. During this time, he has trained faculty in both the eLearning technology as well as how to effectively implement these technologies into online courses. He has presented at numerous conferences, include OLC conferences.